• What my clients say

    Using this stretching technique and the stretches you’ve shown me I don’t do anything else for warm-up anymore. My muscles feel ready in a short time and I feel safe from injury.
    Brendan - filmmaker + athlete
    Best hands in the west, and I’ve seen a lot of bodyworkers.
    Kent McBride - entrepreneur
    This man has genius in his hands. He is the Mozart of bodywork.
    Darce Brighthorse - traditional naturopath + healer
    I’ve been worked on by Ida Rolf and by Joe Heller. Tom ranks with them!
    Steve Marshank - business owner
    Tom is the best neuromuscular and bodywork practitioner I've ever seen, and I have been to many.
    Dr. Dennis Thompson - chiropractor + ayurvedic practitioner
    I'm training and racing faster yet more relaxed. My coach says I look more fluid while running than he’s ever seen me.
    Wes Hobson - triathlete + olympic hopeful
    Thank you for the work you did for my super sensitive 13 year old son. It was amazing how quickly and effectively you remedied his headaches and ear pain. You have a rare gift, and I'm happy you're using it to eliminate pain.
    Kaye K. - business woman + mom
    This is not your ordinary deep tissue guy. Tom has a wonderful, nurturing energy and combines, I feel, the connections of pain in the body, mind, and spirit. If you are looking for someone to really heal a chronic problem, Tom is worth the call.
    Kathy - in Denver
    This is the most comprehensive work I’ve seen for hand/wrist/forearm pain conditions.
    L. E. - physical therapist + rolfer
    After some 9 years of being plagued by sciatica and more recently a pinched nerve in my neck, two treatments with you have brought much of my discomfort under control. I am still rejoicing 3 weeks later in the miracle you worked on my neck. I suppose I am right in assuming that in all those treatments involving massage, the quintessential factor is the personality of the therapist. Here I can only say: you, Thomas, were the optimum encountered.”
    William S. Heckscher - retired Princeton professor. Please see below for his full letter to me.
    To Whom It May Concern: I have known Mr. Abbott for the past two years, during which time I have been a patient of his and we have worked professionally together. Mr. Abbott conducts himself in a professional manner while administering treatment to his patients. His technique as a neuromuscular therapist is excellent. He is well educated in his field. Mr. Abbott is dedicated to his profession which is evident in his attention to detail while teaching his patients about neuromuscular therapy and their particular problem. I am pleased to have Mr. Abbott as my neuromuscular therapist and as a therapist to whom I can refer my patients for neuromuscular therapy.
    Dr. Michael J. Glaiel - chiropractor
    After working with so many, many practitioners through the years, you’re the guy, Tom.
    Lynne Kaye - naturopathic physician
    Tom is AMAZING!!!! He has a technique that is second to none and has definitely made a HUGE difference in how I feel and what I can do!!! Call Tom today for a free consultation and get on the road to wellness and a PAIN FREE LIFE!!!
    Kris Kropelnicki - physical therapy office manager
    In the world of chronic pain relief, Tom does what most don't... get to the root cause. It's too bad that people often try medication and more invasive tactics first, then turn to Tom for relief. It should be the other way around. Tom's treatment can alleviate pain and discomfort for some conditions permanently. Thank you Tom.
    Francine Schoenwetter - Director Content Marketing, New Hope Network
    I ran the best marathon of my life today thanks to you, and even after eating airplane food and having little sleep.
    Paul Peckham - mid 40's, natural foods distributor
    I have been to many Manual Therapists over the years for chronic and acute symptoms, but Tom is by far the best I’ve ever worked with.
    Bruce D. - ex-pro tennis player + business executive
    Tom Abbott is the best! I've had bodywork from many individuals over the years and Tom surpasses all of them. He helped me get totally free from a frozen shoulder. Two years later I had a whiplash and resulting serious neck pain, low, middle, and upper back pain, and constant headache, from a direct hit to where I was sitting by a truck, in a bad auto accident. Tom brought me through all of that.
    Robert M. - mid 60's, natural health care practitioner + author
    Your work did, in a short time, what I thought nothing could do. It was amazing. My headache went away – and stayed away!
    Nina Friedman - career counselor
    Tom’s sciatic treatment is amazing!
    Susan Freeman - yoga instructor
    Tom, I suffered with hip pain for four years needlessly and you cured me. It hasn’t bothered me in years.
    Denise - psychotherapist
    The results were immediate and to the core of the problem. I feel great.
    Lynn Buhlig - former pro-athlete + mom
    Go see Tom. He helps people.
    Tim Duffy - jazz and blues musician
    Thank you for the great session Tom. After years with this pain I have renewed hope of healing.
    anon. - just visiting the area
    Thank you for your incredible work. I feel so much better. It’s quite amazing. You’re a miracle worker and have very powerful hands.
    Jean - intuitive counselor
    For two years I had been unable to play viola without support. Tom enabled me to play unsupported in two sessions.
    Amy - professional musician in Denver
    The work made some real changes in me, subtle but powerful ones, like, I no longer feel that my right shoulder is growing out of the side of my head… my posture feels better, I feel taller inside.
    Tess Barbieri - exercise physiologist
    Tom embodies the definition of compassion: "a deep awareness of the suffering of another, coupled with the wish to relieve it". Thank you Tom!
    Alice Rodgers - police stenographer
    Thanks very much for the two wonderful neuromuscular treatments you gave me. Today my back and body feel much better and I’m walking much better. You have helped me a lot and I really appreciate it. I have recommended you to several of my clients.
    Larry Raffel - R.N. + homeopathic physician
    I first saw Tom for treatment for a constant headache that lasted for weeks – from morning to night. Nothing I had tried relieved the pain. After one treatment from Tom the headaches went away and have not returned. He’s truly gifted and his work gave me the most powerful results I’ve ever experienced.
    Julie Freed - mom
    Tom possesses that rare instance of insightful intuitiveness and thoughtful, analytical awareness. His adeptness at analyzing structural imbalances coupled with his genuine sensitivity toward his patient make him a gifted healer.
    Antonio Marxuach - pro-elite inline skater + personal fitness consultant
    My sessions with Tom have significantly helped me ground my energetic capacities. He has also helped me to heal areas of my physical body and subtle field that had previously been unaccessible. I have never met a body-worker as precise and physically intuitive. Thank you Tom!!
    Ammahnda Sia - intuitive counselor
    I had bad headaches almost every day through my childhood and cluster headaches after a broken neck and spinal fusion. I've seen neurologists, chiropractors, PT's, Rolfers, deep massage, and others, had two CAT-scans, and used all the most expensive headache drugs. Since seeing Tom the cluster headaches have not returned, and headaches in general are much less intensive, far between, and they don't last. Tom, you're the best!
    Lilynn G. - former pro-skier
    Tom Abbott and his neuromuscular therapy are a godsend to me. I have been involved in martial arts for the past 2 1/2 years. I study the art of Okinawan Shorin-Ryu Karate-Do and having a well-tuned body and the knowledge of proper flexibility are assets to our training. I injured myself about a year ago and had to have chiropractic care to resolve my problem. But the injury goes deeper than just the realignment of your bone structure. Tom Abbott goes deeper to the root of your problem and then teaches you how to regain your flexibility. If there is anything that ails you I strongly recommend that you visit Tom.
    Peter Metell
    Now I remember where I know you from…many years ago I had a session with you. I have had no memory of that low back pain since then.
    In early March 2017, out of nowhere, both my legs and feet got numb and I could hardly get out of bed... much less take care of myself. I dragged myself to get an MRI which showed some stenosis and disc degeneration in my lumbar spine, but between a chiropractor, an acupuncturist, and the people at Spine West, what they were seeing didn't seem to answer for the level of numbness I was feeling. I went to see a neurosurgeon who said that he could "fix" my problem with surgery and putting in some screws. I was scheduled for surgery in early April and then a friend told me about Tom, whom I immediately went to see. Having seen Tom once a week for this last month, I have canceled the surgery and believe that I can avoid it altogether with his treatment. I am regaining feeling in my legs and feet, I am walking more, and getting some of my life back. I am less uncomfortable and the exercises he has given me also seem to be helping. Also important is that I am regaining some bodily functions that had seemed very "strange" since this numbness began.
    Working with Tom is changing my life. He is extremely knowledgeable, kind, and very thorough. He is focusing on my sacrum which seems to be making a big difference. All the other people I saw never even looked at my sacrum, including the neurosurgeon. I feel like Tom has saved my life in many ways and I am extremely grateful to him. I highly recommend him for anyone who is struggling with pain and discomfort. Tom is one of the best healers I have ever worked with.
    Maddy Goldstein - Career dance + fitness instructor, author
    I had a wrist injury that grew progressively worse until I was completely unable to use the arm and was losing range of motion in my shoulder. Conventional medical wisdom (after over a year of failed treatments) wanted to slice open my wrist and operate and do PT with a potential operation on my shoulder if the PT didn't work. Tom fixed everything, so I am completely pain-free and have full range of motion restored. No invasive procedures required! I just wish I'd gone to him sooner, rather than waiting until it got so bad. He's a true miracle worker and was even able to help with an old skiing injury from over 30 years ago. I would highly recommend him to anyone who has neuromuscular pain or sports injuries.
    Jennifer Dunne - IT professional

    Mr. Heckscher's entire letter to me:
    Dear Thomas, After some nine years of being plagued by sciatica and more recently a ‘pinched nerve’ resulting in numbness in my left elbow, I consulted as I do every summer, Dr. Robert Nevin of Edgartown. I showed him your advertisement describing you as a “Neuromuscular Therapist.” He agreed that I should have a try and this I did. I now regret that I came to you only at the end of our regular summer vacation in West Tisbury. The result was that I could consult you only twice. I had of course gone through endless tests including x-rays, and the basic complaint was diagnosed as osteoporosis. To a certain extent, and with the blessings of Dr. Joseph Lane, a New York specialist on sports injuries and an outstanding physician, we had avoided a spinal operation and (apart from conventional drugs such as Clinoril) my main weapon in the fight against pain and limitation of movement had been extensive exercises. Among the many lesser complaints, to name only one was a severely diminished ability to turn my head right and/or left. On the seven-hour trip Princeton-Woods Hole I mainly stared at the yellow line. Already your first extensive treatment (an hour and a half) dealt with the neck problem and now, some three weeks after, I am still rejoicing in the miracle you worked on my neck. Even on the return trip, a different world opened up. After the second and alas final session, much of my pinched-nerve discomfort has been brought under control. I told you that I was increasingly deaf; again you applied your quite powerful therapy and I noticed an improvement. I realize that in fairness to you, much more could have been achieved, had I been able to consult you a number of times after the second visit. I have had little profit from orthodox physiotherapy; some gains when a friend treated me with shiatsu. I understand that this method is somewhat related to your neuromuscular technique. I suppose I am right in assuming that in all those treatments involving massage, the quintessential factor is the personality of the therapist. Here I can only say: you, Thomas, were the optimum encountered. A patient senses to what extent the therapist is a person who really cares and who is not out for quick results or as alas also happens for financial gain. I am writing this as a sign of both gratitude and admiration. I hope to find you next summer. I trust you will attract in your new location people in need of intensive and rational treatment. Since my response in writing is unsolicited I might add that you must feel free to communicate my observations to other pain sufferers, patients, or potential patients. Yours sincerely, William S. Heckscher

    William S. Heckscher - retired Princeton professor